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7 grade account_circle Farmhouse
3 grade account_circle pathway hail2
4 grade account_circle pathway hail1
15 grade account_circle Patterns of decay-
0 grade account_circle derelict house5
6 grade account_circle derelict house3
0 grade account_circle decorated fence1
2 grade account_circle decorated fence2
19 grade account_circle house cat sleeping in sunlight
6 grade account_circle satelite receiver
2 grade account_circle fisherman's welcome
6 grade account_circle Suburban house, Jerusalem
9 grade account_circle Tiled seat
7 grade account_circle Israel camels
4 grade account_circle Israel camels
6 grade account_circle Road to Nazareth
2 grade account_circle Road to Nazareth
2 grade account_circle Ancient ruins, modern village
3 grade account_circle Massada ruins
1 grade account_circle Massada ruins
7 grade account_circle Massada ruins
5 grade account_circle Massada ruins
5 grade account_circle Massada ruins
5 grade account_circle Desert with nomad dwellings
2 grade account_circle Ancient houses
11 grade account_circle Door with shutters
6 grade account_circle Under the roof...
1 grade account_circle Stairway to heaven...
19 grade account_circle Real estate
9 grade account_circle cat on cat tree
8 grade account_circle cat on cat tree 2
10 grade account_circle cat on cat tree 3
3 grade account_circle cat on cat tree 4
30 grade account_circle Halloween diner
7 grade account_circle Suburban birds
5 grade account_circle Suburban birds
0 grade account_circle woodpile1b
40 grade account_circle Spilt milk
1 grade account_circle Aubergine
1 grade account_circle Aubergine
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