My cloud picture was used in a contest:
There is a credit but the url was forgotten and could not be added anymore since the contest was closed. There is however a source link to the file on the bottom of the page to Every little bit helps ;-)
If you have files used or work to show please drop them here. I would love to see it!
One of the first of mine with a credit it to rgbstock, I think:
And another, in Photoshop Creative - page with the credit is online as a PDF here for a while:
Request from Croatian government agency:
Croatian Institute for Health Protection and Safety at Work ( is a government institution whose mission is to improve the quality of occupational health of all the Croatian employees. Therefore, we are organizing trainings and publishing leaflets for all experts in the field of health protection and safety.
We would like to include your photo “mqZ3NGa.jpg” for our leaflet about manipulation, storage and waste disposal of fuel, lubricants and oils in agriculture.
Another nice link to one of my files from RGBStock used.
A lovely lady left a message on my image to say it was used here:
A nice credit and a link to my gallery.
Looks great Dez:)
I have an other one:
Nice link here, though to my gallery rather than the RGB Stock homepage.
Hmm - looks like they've moved it!
Never mind, I've just received notification of another interesting usage of one of my images here:
That looks great, Kevin! And your name is right on the image, too. Well done!
Another link, with RGB Stock mentioned as well as me:
This is the first time I've ever had a link involving the country domain "nu" (= Niue)!
Another great link to a file used.
It looks excellent, Marja, and yes, a perfect link.
Kevin, your travel images are excellent. They have a great link as well.
Wow! The whole video! Well done! They were perfect for it, weren't they?