My cloud picture was used in a contest:
There is a credit but the url was forgotten and could not be added anymore since the contest was closed. There is however a source link to the file on the bottom of the page to Every little bit helps ;-)
If you have files used or work to show please drop them here. I would love to see it!
Thanks, Kevin. Another here today, and again, it was really nice of the downloader to tell me.
@602 Very nice Dez! I think this user has used one of my images in the past too.
There are several bloggers who use quite a lot of ours. It's nice that they are coming here instead of ELSEWHERE. Lovely people, all of them! :o)
And another - also from a site that uses a lot of RGB images:
Its always nice to see photo's and artwork being used on the web.
My coffee cup on a great sound track! Thanks for the credit and the link.
@607 Great usage, Marja. Daniel Nering is an excellent composer, so to have him using RGB Stock as his source of images is creditworthy indeed!
A typical Dutch site about windmills:
They use one of my photos:
No credits whatsoever. Just discovered it by coincidence .
It makes a perfect header, Jay. I am so jealous of you living in such a beautiful country.
The top part of this picture I made for comparison.
The bottom half is a composite/manipulation that is appearing all over the internet.
i didn't contact him so I don't know. Great use of the picture.
I found it in a list of funny pictures and memes. I wondered if that pose was popular with models. Then I decided I would compare the picture with the only one I have seen doing that pose and sure enough it is Misska by Pat Kisha flipped horizontally.
I can't find the origin but i have seen it posted in Aug 2013. It's making the rounds on the internet. Here's an example:
One of mine here:
Nice usage and credit on a Facebook page here:
I use a lot of pictures here:
Just klick on start and play it. It's like Memory®
Links are included in "Impressum" (
It's a game for FIFA World championship 2014
P.S.: Not everything is finished yet ;-)
I saw two of mine. Excellent! I even played the game. I'd be ashamed to tell you how long it took! LOL Great site, Gesine.
Is my name really "December" in German??
Did I wrote that? How do you get it?
Dez is the short cut for December in german, cause the month is called "Dezember" here. It is used in calendars e.g.
But pronuntiation is completely different. I think your name is spoken with a smooth "s" at the end. When we read DEZ in a calendar we call it December
But it's true I think of you :-)
LOL - Actually, Gesine, it's a hard "z" sound as in "buzz". Unless there is a different German sound for the letter? The translator called me "December Pain". It made me laugh, but it also made me think I could use "December" as a tag somewhere. I have always been a loser in the name stakes. My full name is unique and no-one can pronounce it, and my surname has French origins, meaning "bread", and in English, means "agony". The biggest pain I know of in December is Christmas shopping!
Is the "s" in your name a soft one? That's how I think of you. And what about the "G"? Is it hard or soft as in "j"? I use the hard one.
It's like the "g" and the "s" in goose. Wenn a "z" is at the end of a word it is it is really the same as "buzz". In the middle of a word it is more like the "ts" in "fits".
But your surname is spoken like the french or like the english version?