Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Now that is sad. No wonder the prize has snuck back into our house.
Because of the snow? Can't imagine. We are happy that the white stuff disappeares slowly.
But the question of your granddaughter is very cute. I told it to my husband and he is still laughing. You can tell her the kids here have great fun with it building snowman, make snowangels (lay down in the snow and move your legs and arms in the sow. Like sandangels) making snowballfight, drive down snowy hills with a little slide and if the lakes are frozen, skating on the ice or playing icehockey.
And snow protects the plants against the frost.
First flowers of spring dares to come out of the (mostly still frozen) soil.
I think all our native flowers would die in the snow. So might I. I'm glad your husband was amused. I really was, too. Clearly they are getting to the age where they realise that not everything they see is real.
Which brings me to the fact that Grandfather is seeing things that are not real. Not only is the prize not with him, those voices in his head aren't real, either. See? It takes a winner to point that out.
Voices, what voices? I didn't hear any voices, did you? Nope, they didn't hear any voices either. So, if me and mys elves didn't hear any voices then you must be imagining it. Therefore we is saying the precious prizzziz issss mine.
Now I'm not sure who you were just channelling, grandfather, but it sounded like the Count from Sesame Street. Surely you aren't really a glove puppet? Mind you, that would explain a lot...
Ahhh, we are at puppet theatre. And we all wait for the witch to appear, while Punch is just hidden behind the frame of the little stage were Punch and Judy are acting. Prize loves this stage performances.
That is not a frock, it's my long black trench coat. Now all I need is a trench to use it in. No ! a six by four trench is not big enough.
What are you looking for in the moat??
Prize is here with me in the snow:
Gesine, I can't see the image unless I log into Yahoo. Just stay there in the snow until I can get in, please. No, I don't care how cold it is. You started it.
Is so a frock. Never seen black lace on a trench coat. Or is it a moat? Or is Gesine off her medication?
Wow. Life is full of mysteries...
Hihi, google translates trench with moat, grove or something like that. I first thought of a coat.
ROFL! Oh, the joys of crossing the language barrier! I can't speak anything other than English. Well, some high school French, which I promptly forgot. Je suis une femme or something of that nature. Well, a trench is a ditch in the ground, and I believe the coats were named oafter the coats worn by military men in the trenches in the war. At least, that's my theory. :0P
Oh look in the trench coat. Can't believe my eyes - it's the prize.
Hmm. I've been confronted with what's in the trench coat before now, and I can assure you - it's no prize.
I don't want to know some details, but prize still has an itch all over.
Grandfather was told to use the cream. And the spray. Well, he's old and forgetful. What can I say? Can you please keep the prize out of the bedrooms? I don't want to have to burn the sheets again.
thank you guys, for taking care of me prize for so long! thank you !
Don't think you can waltz in here and get it back. Oh, no siree! I'm still the last!
:) all good here, how have you been ?
...been too busy or lazy. just remembered I had to claim "my precious" here.
Well, you're certainly looking well! I think you should wear some clothes, though. We winners are extremely modest.
Kray also wants the prize, but I don't like the way he calls it "my precious". Do you?