Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins
1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
506. happyture13 April 2010, 8:30 GMT +02:00

Hey,,,,Just Hey,,,, Ive got the extractor on, whats your problem??
507. xymonau13 April 2010, 9:04 GMT +02:00

It's the pants. They're not red like Trine's.
508. ciscopa13 April 2010, 9:04 GMT +02:00

Oh, no problem... I simply don't look your hairy legs and it's ok :P
510. ciscopa13 April 2010, 9:20 GMT +02:00

Really not the same, hehehe...
511. xymonau13 April 2010, 9:24 GMT +02:00

Although I have it on goos authority that Mijey DOES have a red pair at home. He wears them only on special occasions, to impress the girls.
512. happyture13 April 2010, 9:50 GMT +02:00

Ahhhh, my silk boxers, you mean the ones with extra strong support, your right dezzie, the heavy duty stitching on those sends the girls wild i tells ya wild....
513. GerbenVanErkelens13 April 2010, 11:08 GMT +02:00

@xymonau I'll will hold you to that :-)
514. xymonau13 April 2010, 11:12 GMT +02:00

Psst! Don't tell Mikey, but he can't tell the difference between silk and flanelette.
515. xymonau13 April 2010, 11:20 GMT +02:00

See? Gerben agrees he will buy me a drink to celebrate my win. If only you all had faith in me!
516. GerbenVanErkelens13 April 2010, 16:46 GMT +02:00

Maybe I just don't think anyone will win this :D
517. happyture13 April 2010, 20:17 GMT +02:00

Hey Dezzie, the police are still looking for the car that left those skid marks in my flanelette boxers?
518. xymonau14 April 2010, 6:02 GMT +02:00

Vulgar, you is! I'm gonna tell yer Ma.
519. ciscopa14 April 2010, 8:05 GMT +02:00

@516 You don't think well, Gerb... I win.
520. xymonau14 April 2010, 8:29 GMT +02:00

None of you thinks well. You're all stark raving mad if you think you can win against me. You won't listen to the only same person on this thread. Me. I win. Accept it.
521. ciscopa14 April 2010, 8:50 GMT +02:00

You are going to sleep, now...
I win :P
522. happyture14 April 2010, 8:52 GMT +02:00

I thinks, therefor i am, yes i am the winner....
523. ciscopa14 April 2010, 8:57 GMT +02:00

I don't think so...
524. happyture14 April 2010, 8:58 GMT +02:00

Which proves a point, Great minds DONT think alike?
525. GerbenVanErkelens14 April 2010, 16:24 GMT +02:00

Maybe not, but the winner will become the one who posts here last :P
526. happyture14 April 2010, 16:56 GMT +02:00

And Maybe that shall be me, !
527. xymonau14 April 2010, 17:03 GMT +02:00

Not very likely. I can't sleep. Ergo: I win.
528. happyture14 April 2010, 18:44 GMT +02:00

Hmmm! Its probably all that muny you have stuffed into your mattress... must be really uncomfortable for you..
529. happyture14 April 2010, 18:44 GMT +02:00

Oh, and who's Ergo??
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