Duchessa's image:
is being offered for sale at this Romanian site:
I suggest you all look for your own images there.
More about possible rippers.
@19, David said : ....." Would it be so hard for the image approvers at Fotolia and other for profit microstock websites to occasionally have a glance at the top 100 images from several free stock websites?....."
And are we sure all images at rgbstock are not ripped ?
Hi all,
I just found something interesting.
Download this small jpeg
Compare the left and right sides of this image
On the left we have this image
And on the right we have this one
To me, other than the color these files are a perfect match.
The images fit over each other perfectly in Photoshop.
This person has over 1300 images on Fotolia.
I'm guessing there may be other ripped images in this collection.
Many of these images are graphics or amateurish 3D renderings or endless copies of various letters of the alphabet so I doubt this is worth pursuing.
But on Fotolia they only seem to respond to takedown notices from the original author of the work.
The trouble is that Brokenarts appears to have abandoned his images at sxc. I know that doesn't give others the right to sell them, but he has not put in an appearnace for yonks.
The silhouette that Javier makes reference to in post 26 has been removed by the gallery owner.
The issue has been resolved to the best of my knowledge.
Yes, the misunderstanding was resolved and forgotten. The gallery owner of the removed image did the correct and was honest.
Another ripper at the usual place...
The ripped image for sale at fotolia;
My image;
I don't immediately recognize any other photos in this thief's gallery but I'll post a link here for others to view and see if other rips are there.
This has happened so many times with Fotolia that I am going to consult with a copyright lawyer to see if any punitive damages are a possibility if this were brought to court.
In my past dealing's with these Fotolia jokers they actually implied that they process too many images to check the legality of those images and weather or not they have the right to sell these images or usurp the rights of any original owners.
They (Fotolia) are not going to change unless it impacts them monetarily.
Is Fotolia in the USA? Any way to get a lawyer's letter sent to them? They consistently keep the profits from selling stolen images.
Fotolia's ivory towers are in NYC.
A lawyer's letter would be the a start... I want to send them so much more than that..
I feel these idiots won't take any notice of their own flawed business practices unless they are brought to a court of law over them.
Two of TouTouke's images and some others I recognise here. This site has redistributed images of mine previously without permission. The links don't seem to work, though.