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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

146. xymonau19 March 2011, 15:25 GMT +01:00

What a great balanced diet. On that note, I am about to go to bed. Have a lovely day, Mike.

147. happyture19 March 2011, 15:30 GMT +01:00

I shall Dezzie, sleep tight hope the bed bugs dont bite.... :O)

148. xymonau20 March 2011, 0:11 GMT +01:00

Yawn! *scratch, stretch* Well, those bed bugs gave me no rest.


149. happyture20 March 2011, 1:20 GMT +01:00

Well i,m gonna hit the sack now for a couple of hours,,, i think you should have a look through this Dezzie..

150. xymonau20 March 2011, 1:39 GMT +01:00

AAAAARGH!!!! How disgusting. And now I'm never going to sleep again, thanks to you, Mikey. Instead, I'll spend the hours of darkness propped up in bed in my chemically-treated plastic jarmies, fending off the horde wif a cricket bat and a can of flyspray.

Sleep tight. Don't cross the road after midnight.

151. happyture20 March 2011, 8:30 GMT +01:00

Ha ha ,,,yes, Well i had a gud nights sleep, no bugs, no nasty dream, so yes i had a most relaxing sleepies, funny though, sleep is like a good meal, you never quite have enough,,just 5 more,,,,oh oh another 5 wont hurt,,,,bloody hell i,m late rush rush..... init???

152. xymonau20 March 2011, 9:48 GMT +01:00

The hours between sunset and midnight are more refreshing, and you can have less sleep if you get to bed early. Your body makes more melatonin - the chemical we most need from sleep for our mental health - before midnight - almost double the amount. When you doze off in front of the telly it's always sweet sleep when it's early.

All this talk of sleep is makin' my bed look better and better. I am back at work tomorrow, and I have had a hard day trying to clean up the pigpen of a house without breaking the stitches. LOL!

153. happyture20 March 2011, 16:31 GMT +01:00

Dont tell me you does housework as well as making images as well as working,,Amazing !!

154. Groningen20 March 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

where would the world be without women


155. happyture20 March 2011, 21:46 GMT +01:00

I just dont know,,,we have so much to thank women for,,,Well,,,if it wasn't for women sex would be a pain in the bum???

156. xymonau21 March 2011, 8:53 GMT +01:00

Why do you allus hafta be rude? It's true that I'm amazin'. Beautiful, talented, modest AND amazin'. Why I hafta have a little lie down right now to cope with the sheer amazement that comes rollin in.

157. happyture21 March 2011, 10:35 GMT +01:00

True ,,,,,true, you iz amazing truly amazing,, dunno how you cope with it,, cuz i cant ,,,,...... :O)

158. xymonau21 March 2011, 11:39 GMT +01:00

Jus' hold yer hans over yer eyes an' peek froo the cracks between yer fingers. Remember ta squint, an' you will cope wif beholdin' my wondrousness.

159. happyture21 March 2011, 15:07 GMT +01:00

Oh i cant,,,I just cant Dezzie,,,Errr Errrk Oh i is getting heartburn again, i'll try again later,, HO K's :O)

160. xymonau21 March 2011, 23:28 GMT +01:00

But I NEEDS my haudience!

161. happyture22 March 2011, 8:12 GMT +01:00

Like i dont knows that, I was a performer once, But i kept falling off the Organ, and i tell you bananas really hurt when thrown at yoo.. yes siree... And talking bout seasons its nice n sunshiney here in UKland dont know four how long, but i,m off with me best friend twoday, Nikon, we go everywhere twogether, Its a female Nikon mine iz, and her name is Beth, twoz love at first sight, we are now celebrating 5 years together, Oh bliss with Beth...yes, I like pushing her buttons too... :O)

162. xymonau22 March 2011, 9:30 GMT +01:00

I hope you got some awesome shots. You have some amazing photos in your gallery.

163. happyture22 March 2011, 9:40 GMT +01:00

Hey now,,,just hey,,,stop it,,,what you up too,, (looks sharply behind one back) Have you been sniffing your nail varish again Dezzie,,Dezzie,,,,What have i told you bout that,,,,,your frightening me now,,,,,

164. xymonau22 March 2011, 10:32 GMT +01:00

No sniffing. I inject it. But you do have some really good photos. That one by the water with autumn colours is to die for.

165. happyture22 March 2011, 19:47 GMT +01:00

Bless you Dezzie,,,thats so kind of you to say such a nice thing, You also have a beautiful Gallery, a very popular gallery, you should be proud of your own work, I mean, i cant even say that you copied mine, cuz i aint got any gud as them!!! :O)

166. xymonau23 March 2011, 10:19 GMT +01:00

I posted a post and it disappeared.

I'll let you cut my talented toenails for a fiver.

167. happyture23 March 2011, 11:22 GMT +01:00

Errrr,,,Dezzie, toenails are the worstest things in the hole wiyde wurld, nasty things that fly aimlessly through the air when cut, NO, cant do it sorry, anyway you told me you biteded them off....

168. xymonau23 March 2011, 12:11 GMT +01:00

They only needs trimmin'. I'm glad you hates toenails. I hate a man wot collects his little pile of cuttin's an' wonders why his wife screams an' goes right off when she puts her elbow on top of 'em.

169. happyture23 March 2011, 17:43 GMT +01:00

OOOOO000000oooooooowwww, thats the pits, Now i,m not sayin that eye iz purrfeckt, but i draws the line on stuff likes that, nose picking iz another pet hate, spiecally when they rolls um and drops um down your sofa,, gets the old blood pressure pumping then...real nazzty tiz..

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