There are some photos that make me "inspired". Sometimes they are just beautiful or surprising, other time creative or somehow important. Let's share them! ;-)
For example:,111858,10126581.html?i=0&bo=1
Photos of the sun, from someone's backyard...
In the news shots:
The sun photos are amazing. Hard to comprehend the size and power there. But a lot of beauty.
The news photos are excellent. I loved the wombat and kangaroo one. They are both called joeys, but I guess they were trying to avoid confusion.
Wombat joey? Are all young Australian animals called joeys?
I think a lot of the Australian marsupials are called that because they are born not completely formed, and crawl into the pouch, attach themselves to a teat, and develop in the pouch itself.
It's a bit like the word, "calf" - the babies of cows and whales are both called calves.
You can see by this photo that the wombat's pouch faces backwards. They are burrowing animals, so the pouch would fill with dirt if it faced the other way.
Thanks for the information, Xymonau! ;-)
And here you have some shots from Poland, made around 1950-1960.
And some inspirations around the world:
I love the grain in Wladyslaws B&W photos in your first link. Thanks.
Those shots are not photoshopped ;),111858,13789737.html?i=0&bo=1#BoxDeserMT
Amazing places all around the world.
Another cool series.
Photo of the week:,15637065,kat,1345,title,Zdjecia-tygodnia,galeria.html
Another cool series:
I can't link to the skywalker. The eruption is spectacular, although I think I'd be moving if I lived there.
It's heartbreaking to see how people have to live in the Hong Kong photos. Great photography, though.
just lovely:
Similar signs site (I posted some images there a long time ago)
Action photo is not really my game. I like it when I have time to compose and make adjustments. In the Red Bull competition there are some amazing shots.
Some fascinating photos, Michal.
The action photos are excellent. I'd love to be able to film some of those things.
We had heavy rains yesterday in Warsaw and some local floodings too. The press found some old photos (from 1968) from a similar event. They look amazing!,114871,14070782,Warszawa_byla_zalewana_przez_ulewy_juz_nie_raz__Zobacz_.html?i=0
Not photoshopped series:,111858,14141612.html?i=0&bo=1#BoxDeserMT
Another bunch of inspirations: