Old School Child's Chair

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Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat.
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This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat.
Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat.

July 13, 2010 krayker

great work

March 28, 2010 Abyla


March 28, 2010 crisderaud

The setup is in post 6 http://www.rgbstock.com/forum/msg/268. The background is naturally white and not a cutout.

March 28, 2010 mzacha

Good work!

March 28, 2010 jazza

beautifull and usefull stock photo!

March 28, 2010 weirdvis

Excellent stock image. Cris. :D

March 28, 2010 xymonau

The clarity in this is amazing. Do you have a full sized set-up now, Cris? This is just perfect in detail and isolation.

crisderaud profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2071px * 2820px
Published: March - 28 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2010:03:27 18:26:04
Exposure: 8/10
Focal length: 28/1
ISO: 100
Permalink mlYX5zMx
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Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat. Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat. Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat. Old School Child's Chair: This old wooden chair has one more generation left in its usefulness. It measures only 22 inches at the top of the back and 12 inches at the seat. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cr/crisderaud/600/mlYX5zM.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cr/crisderaud/600/mlYX5zM.jpg 100px