along Australia bare below conditions construction development direction empty empty of traffic highway highways lamp-posts landscape left-hand driving lined lines looking down main road no motor cars no motor vehicles no vehicles road road rules roadwork roadworks signs stop stopped suburban suburbs traffic traffic flow traffic lanes warning wide wide road accident accidental automobiles cars clouds crash crashed-vehcile divided divided-roads intersection junction left-hand-driving main-road motor-cars motor-vehicles movement road-rules round-about sign smash stationary street street-junction street-scene traffic-flow traffic-lanes vehicles verge wide-road archipelago boat cliffs fish harbour marine motor port roap rock sailing sea stone surface sweden water westcoast boating cruiser navigate ocean ship shipping speed sport vessel yacht yachts beak bird Malurus cyaneus mirror motor vehicle Rear-view mirror Side mirror songbird Superb Fairywren vehicle auto automobile blue car copyspace country field grass green park parked red silver tree trees thoursie


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14 0 grade account_circle empty highway
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21 0 grade account_circle Yatch club
0 0 grade account_circle Superb fairywren
19 0 grade account_circle Car park on grass
15 0 grade account_circle Marine 6
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