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1 0 grade account_circle MAYAS
18 2 grade account_circle English Bay, Vancouver, B.C.
25 1 grade account_circle C and D
224 7 grade account_circle Coffee beans and an espresso c
58 2 grade account_circle Coffee beans and an espresso c
47 1 grade account_circle Coffee beans and an espresso c
3 1 grade account_circle Szomolnokite with pyrite and c
151 4 grade account_circle Coffee beans and an espresso c
163 2 grade account_circle Coffee beans and an espresso c
19 0 grade account_circle 2012 C
28 0 grade account_circle target
17 1 grade account_circle Plane De-icing
12 0 grade account_circle Topiary and chateau
21 2 grade account_circle sea and sky
4 0 grade account_circle Topiary and belvedere
14 2 grade account_circle Thermostat
64 2 grade account_circle 2016 c
23 0 grade account_circle Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C
0 0 grade account_circle De Gulden Os, Dordrecht
1 0 grade account_circle Voladores de Papantla
6 1 grade account_circle Water Hyacinth
26 0 grade account_circle 2014 c
571 13 grade account_circle Isolated Strawberry
111 6 grade account_circle Amigos de Verdad
3 0 grade account_circle Remparts de Binche, Belgium
14 4 grade account_circle Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro
41 0 grade account_circle MOTHER AND SONS,WW2
65 3 grade account_circle tree and church
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14 0 grade account_circle > Piece Cake 2
22 0 grade account_circle > Piece Cake 1
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23 1 grade account_circle > RioPan nit
3 0 grade account_circle Majorca panorama
3 0 grade account_circle Majorca harbour
3 0 grade account_circle Metropolitan Cathedral
1 0 grade account_circle Art deco balustrade B/W
5 2 grade account_circle Art deco balustrade
1 0 grade account_circle Art deco pavilion
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