armored army fighting germany half-track Hanomag metal military nazi onderkraftfahrzeug panzer SdKfz 251 steel vehicle war amunition artillery attack bomb bombshel bullet danger explosion explosive heavy misfire missile rust rusty weapon armor armour armoured Camouflage car carrier gun machine shield shields shoot tank transporter travel turret wheels barrel cutout fire german gunnery history howitzer isolated light ordinance ordnance shooting shot wheel british cannon armor-piercing armour-piercing flak heavy artillery aircraft airplane corsair F4U F4U-1A Corsair warbird wwii

search result for II world war (60)

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10 0 grade account_circle German half-track Sonderkraftf
29 1 grade account_circle Heavy artillery bullet
9 0 grade account_circle Military vehicle replica
13 0 grade account_circle Military vehicle replica
4 0 grade account_circle German field howitzer LeFH 18
25 0 grade account_circle British field gun Mark 2 (25 p
18 1 grade account_circle British field gun Mark 2 (25 p
2 0 grade account_circle Artillery from polish navy
4 0 grade account_circle F4U-1A Corsair -1
3 0 grade account_circle F4U-1A Corsair -2
6 1 grade account_circle F4U-1A Corsair -3
10 2 grade account_circle P-38 Lightning 1
1 0 grade account_circle Longues-sur-Mer bunker
12 0 grade account_circle Old Town in Warsaw
95 1 grade account_circle Gun
9 0 grade account_circle Palace in Warsaw
2 0 grade account_circle Lamp
13 0 grade account_circle An old lamp
1 0 grade account_circle historic security1
0 0 grade account_circle historic security2b
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