architecture atmospheric berlin building buildings classic decoration decorative facade gable home house houses mansion ocher ochre old red representation representative roof roofs rural stucco villa yellow oriel wooden ancient brown country cracked culture curtain detail exterior flower frame retro traditional vertical village vintage wall white window cosy cottage cottages country life countryside countrystyle cozy grunewald idyllic peaceful romantic window shutter blinds blue brick painted storm shutters windows build with wood cladding half-timbered circular construction cool England english Great Britain historic history ice-house insulated insulation restoration restored round shelter thatch bush bushes estate fixture frohnau germany grass groundcover idyll invalidensiedlung Land lot landscape leisure meadow nature Netherlands style park path plant property real estate residential area rural living tree trees walkway

search result for RURAL BUILDING (512)

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3 0 grade account_circle decorative yellow stucco
17 0 grade account_circle decorative wooden oriel
17 0 grade account_circle Sunny winter afternoon
1 1 grade account_circle rural twin-house
12 0 grade account_circle rural brick house
8 0 grade account_circle decorative rural architecture
6 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
3 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
8 0 grade account_circle Traditional ice-house
4 1 grade account_circle brick house idyll
29 3 grade account_circle Looking out the window
3 1 grade account_circle half-timbered house scene
2 1 grade account_circle decorative house with trees
5 0 grade account_circle church with lopsided tower
1 0 grade account_circle meeting place4
4 2 grade account_circle white wooden house
1 0 grade account_circle black roof villa
6 2 grade account_circle urban decay
14 2 grade account_circle modern villa
14 1 grade account_circle rural brick cottage
8 1 grade account_circle decorative white villa
4 0 grade account_circle white tower villa
5 1 grade account_circle red brick villa
8 0 grade account_circle decorative yellow villa
5 0 grade account_circle decorative classic entrance
3 0 grade account_circle bungalow villa
0 0 grade account_circle decorative red brick house
0 0 grade account_circle tower with facade greening
4 1 grade account_circle villa with ivy facade
5 0 grade account_circle decorative half-timbered facad
3 0 grade account_circle idyllic villa facade greening
22 1 grade account_circle rural cottage in winter 2
2 0 grade account_circle old waterworks
2 0 grade account_circle Sussex cottages
24 0 grade account_circle tall villa
13 0 grade account_circle bush home construction
6 0 grade account_circle old tall villa
4 0 grade account_circle Landscape with church
8 0 grade account_circle Landscape with church
0 0 grade account_circle grey half-timbered house
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