countryside cumbria destination England fell Great Britain hill Lake district landscape lane natural nature road route rural spring travel tree wall british columbia canada confiers conifer evergreen lake mountains peaceful quiet reflect reflection serene snow still sveres view water winter architecture channel chute cloud forest green hills overflow race reservoir sky stone wales welsh algae cascade fluid Fluvial landforms of streams milford sound moss Natural landscape new zealand plant rock watercourse waterfall field meadow mountain picturesque pretty wood country direction distance distant clear Rockies rocks rocky Rocky Mountains transparent bridge cabin chalet tranquil tranquility classic classical colors day fresh holland IJssel jazza Netherlands peace rest river summer sunny trees

search result for Spring Lake (166)

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4 0 grade account_circle Country road
7 0 grade account_circle Mirror Mirror 4
0 0 grade account_circle Reservoir overflow channel
0 0 grade account_circle Waterfall
2 0 grade account_circle Green fields
5 0 grade account_circle Green fields
13 0 grade account_circle Rural road
2 0 grade account_circle Mirror Mirror 3
12 0 grade account_circle Mirror Mirror 2
54 2 grade account_circle Mirror Mirror 1
19 1 grade account_circle river
2 3 grade account_circle landscape
5 0 grade account_circle landscape
11 1 grade account_circle Duck pond
9 2 grade account_circle Duck pond
0 0 grade account_circle Mt Fuji
8 0 grade account_circle Nearly empty reservoir
5 2 grade account_circle Woodland pool at dawn
9 0 grade account_circle Barren valley
8 1 grade account_circle Koenigssee spring scenery
4 0 grade account_circle winter park scenery
3 0 grade account_circle river beach scene
6 0 grade account_circle Village landscape
2 0 grade account_circle Hubertussee
5 0 grade account_circle Lake 1
7 3 grade account_circle tranquil Hubertussee scenery
5 1 grade account_circle Hubertussee landscape idyll
8 3 grade account_circle Hubertussee landscape scenery
45 2 grade account_circle A Thousand Tiny Ripples
7 3 grade account_circle Hubertussee panorama
5 0 grade account_circle Lake 3
85 3 grade account_circle Abstract Sunset and Water
13 3 grade account_circle Abstract Sunset and Water 2
5 1 grade account_circle Abstract Sunset and Water 3
9 0 grade account_circle Hungry Lamb
28 0 grade account_circle Water Reflections 2
30 1 grade account_circle Field of Gold
39 1 grade account_circle Stormy Weather
67 6 grade account_circle Rainbow Reflections 2
20 2 grade account_circle Impressionist Collage
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