apartment architecture berlin blinds building buildings campus city classic college decoration decorative estate facade gable germany grunewald home house houses mansion modern property real estate representation representative roof roofs villa white window windows above abstract angle angled angles appearance architectural blue circle circles circular frame framed glass height high light linear lines round rounded shadows sky skylight skylight-window sunlight window-frame background barrier color colored colour coloured corrugated corrugations elements external galvanised galvanized metal multicolored multicoloured perspectives raised smooth strength strong surface surfaces texture textures variations wall bricks brickwork colors colours curved curving edge edges edging exterior going-up outside park paved paving steps textured upward appearances basic brick wall cement firm mortar rough solid standard traditional brick wall wallpaper walls access passage passageway pedestrian pedestrians practical protective safe safety shade shiny slant slanting slope sloping stonework sunshine through underpass adornments art art deco black dark flat modernistic patterns quality reflections straight style triangular zig-zags backdrop connected connections contrast contrasting display distant green paneling panelling ribbed ribs screen silhouettes window-screen greyscale Asian belief colorful coloring colourful colouring cultural culture design faith growth Islam islamic leaves masjid minaret minarets mosque Muslims plants prayer religion religious rooftop Singapore towers

search result for architectural (7050)

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2 0 grade account_circle modern architecture plaza 2
13 0 grade account_circle skylight circles1
3 0 grade account_circle coloured corrugations1
4 0 grade account_circle curved steps1
25 0 grade account_circle bricked up2
3 0 grade account_circle underpass entrance2
2 0 grade account_circle art deco architecture6b
6 0 grade account_circle abstract window screen1a
5 0 grade account_circle abstract window screen1b
7 0 grade account_circle green mosque minarets
9 0 grade account_circle green mosque minarets
2 0 grade account_circle rustic stone fire place
19 1 grade account_circle architecture - Lapa Rio de Ja
28 1 grade account_circle architecture - Lapa Rio de Ja
23 0 grade account_circle architecture - Lapa Rio de Ja
1 0 grade account_circle historic city architecture
2 0 grade account_circle historic city architecture
2 0 grade account_circle historic city architecture
3 0 grade account_circle historic city architecture
5 0 grade account_circle suburban home
0 0 grade account_circle tiny windows
2 1 grade account_circle wooden castle
25 0 grade account_circle brick wall2
40 0 grade account_circle brick wall1
13 0 grade account_circle staircase angles5
1 0 grade account_circle staircase angles4
6 1 grade account_circle escalator angles
35 0 grade account_circle car collection
7 0 grade account_circle steps up
3 0 grade account_circle park pavilion1
7 0 grade account_circle suburban chateau
2 1 grade account_circle spired cross
0 0 grade account_circle spired cross
0 0 grade account_circle spired cross
12 0 grade account_circle theatre arch decoration
83 5 grade account_circle hand architecture
1 0 grade account_circle the three chimneys
0 0 grade account_circle ready for renovation2
0 0 grade account_circle ready for renovation1
13 0 grade account_circle in the red
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