active alert appealing black bright eyes brown canine colorful colors colourful colours companion curious dog eyes floppy-eared friendly fun furry intelligent man's-best-friend mixed-breed mottled nose pet texture waiting watchful wet-nosed whiskered white aids animal animal hotel animals bee bee tree bees breeding furniture garden hole hollow hotel house insect insect hotel insects interior design landscaping large nature nesting nesting box nesting site park plant room shelf upbringing wood background bearded billy-goat black-legged breed color colored colour coloured contrasting dark farm farm-yard farming goat goaty grass grazer grazing hair hairy horns light long-haired omnivorous shade shadows sunlight sunshine tail appearance birds breeds calm chicken chickens chicks chook chooks companions companionship docile enclosure feathers fluffy fowl hatchery hatchings heated heating hen hens lighting plumage poultry rest resting scruffy together variations variety warm young alone beak bird Dirt domestic earth forage free freerange galliforme livestock loose open out outdoors outside roaming rural walking wandering art artwork bantam Camouflage camouflaged coloration contrast drawing feathered hidden illustrated illustration lined lines perspectives textured textures bright-eyes Harness lead leash sit sitting agriculture baby calf calfs cattle cattle breeding country countryside cow cows dairy dairy cattle feed food foursome juvenile mammal meadow meat organic posing red stock stock farming threesome triple youngsters youth advice artistic carnivores descriptions dog-owners dogs fonts guidelines health hygiene images instructions large-dogs mammals messages muzzled muzzles open-air people pictures protection public safety shapes sign signage Sizes texts warnings working-dogs follow following leader leading avellana biology blue branch bunch bush closeup cloud colorfulleaf delicacy dessert fall fat flora full green hazel hazelnut ingredient leaf leafbackground maroon orange season seeds sky spring tasty tree vitamins walnut yellow

search result for breed (318)

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14 2 grade account_circle dog's life6
2 1 grade account_circle large insect hotel
1 0 grade account_circle billy goat sunshine & shadows
5 1 grade account_circle chicken in a box1
0 0 grade account_circle young brown hen
4 0 grade account_circle hidden chicken art1
5 1 grade account_circle half on half off
9 1 grade account_circle Youngsters-
0 0 grade account_circle Beware the dogs1
4 0 grade account_circle out for a walk3
22 8 grade account_circle Leaves
30 5 grade account_circle Ruby
8 0 grade account_circle Ready made nest-
15 2 grade account_circle Duck
4 0 grade account_circle mammal
1 0 grade account_circle you go your way, I'll go mine1
4 2 grade account_circle Scottish Highland Cattle
1 0 grade account_circle chicken in the straw1pt
9 0 grade account_circle grazing cows
2 0 grade account_circle multicolored sheep
16 0 grade account_circle grazing cows 2
7 0 grade account_circle grazing cows 3
7 1 grade account_circle farmyard rest-time2
162 9 grade account_circle Border Collie
11 1 grade account_circle Highland Cow
41 3 grade account_circle Highland Cow
1 1 grade account_circle relaxed lioness
28 3 grade account_circle Lift Off!
23 4 grade account_circle C'mon, throw the ball already!
40 3 grade account_circle Golden Retriever
21 0 grade account_circle Mother cow-
0 1 grade account_circle Mine!
83 8 grade account_circle panda
12 2 grade account_circle panda
37 3 grade account_circle panda
1 1 grade account_circle Harry
7 2 grade account_circle Flood!
1 1 grade account_circle Say Cheese!
5 3 grade account_circle Shake Dry
2 2 grade account_circle Bluebell Girl
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