Australian bush bush plant cap caps capsule clusters colorful colors colourful colours conical dry eucalypts green honky nuts leaves native natural natural coloring natural colouring plant seed pods strange trees unusual unusual shape beanie beautiful child christmas cold face freezing fun games gesture girl glove happy headgear healthy kid Knit cap laughter outdoors play delight pretty recreation seasonal smile snow snowball sweet warm clothing winter abundance abundant bush-plant color colour honky-nuts natural-coloring natural-colouring seed-pods unusual-shape bloom buds crimson eucalyptus evergreen flora flowers red stamen tipped tips tree clouds pink sky clothed for winter fluffy hands in sleeves hidden hidden hands jacket keeping warm knitted cap overcoming overcoming cold overcoming cold weather pom poms rugged up sleeves toddler warm winter clothes winter weather bee honeybee

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5 0 grade account_circle green gumnut cluster
0 0 grade account_circle Child Playing in Snow
1 0 grade account_circle gumnut abundance2
0 0 grade account_circle gumnut abundance3
0 0 grade account_circle Aussie Christmas red & green2
1 0 grade account_circle Aussie Christmas red & green3
2 1 grade account_circle Aussie Christmas red & green1
49 4 grade account_circle red gum tree buds & blossoms
8 1 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
35 1 grade account_circle look - no hands!
13 1 grade account_circle red gumtree blossoms & buds
7 0 grade account_circle Screw cap
1 0 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
11 1 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
2 0 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes6
2 1 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
2 0 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
4 0 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
11 1 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
6 0 grade account_circle gum tree colours and shapes
2 0 grade account_circle white gum tree blossoms
18 0 grade account_circle Crushed
4 0 grade account_circle Rural Desert Farmland
2 0 grade account_circle Nut
7 0 grade account_circle Nut
112 1 grade account_circle santa goes shopping
43 0 grade account_circle santa has come
88 2 grade account_circle santa has come
31 1 grade account_circle santa has come
22 1 grade account_circle coldness...
36 0 grade account_circle Little boy
7 1 grade account_circle Small Cork 3
8 0 grade account_circle Small Cork 2
6 0 grade account_circle Small Cork 1
9 0 grade account_circle Hat
45 1 grade account_circle portrait
24 3 grade account_circle Letter F
10 0 grade account_circle BEAN TYPE
39 1 grade account_circle --PEN-- 4
19 0 grade account_circle --PEN-- 3
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