beach coast coastline color colored colors colour coloured colours green greenery growing growth layers levels ocean ocean-edge ocean-waterline plants rocks rocky rough scrub sea seashore seaside shade shadows shapes shore shoreline shrubbery shrubs Sizes stones stony sunlight sunshine surface surfaces surfacing textured textures tidal tide tides trees varied variety water adaptable blooms bright bulb bulb flower colorful coloring colourful colouring curled easy-growing flora flowering bulbs flowers frilly garden garden flower golden herbaceous herbaceous flowering plants hybridized hybrids light lilies lilium lily orange ornamental ornamental lilies petals stamens stripe stripes tolerant trumpet-shaped upright variations varieties velvety vigorous yellow abstract abundance appearance arachis hypogaea background bulk crunchy display displayed earthnuts edible firm food fresh goober-peas groundnuts hard legume monkey-nuts peanut peanuts pig-nuts pod pods pygmy-nuts quantity raw savory savoury shell shells snack food snacks unshelled wallpaper art artisans artistic arty cast-iron-table concrete contrast craftsmanship cultural culture cute decoration decorative distinctive garden-table intricate kitsch kitten lace lacy maroon metal metal-work ornament ornaments patterned patterns pop-art shaped tabletop texture various wrought-iron angles backdrop birds black blended blue brilliant circles corners design detailed detailed patterns edges geometric geometrical image images interconnected intermeshed interwoven kaleidoscopic patterns lines mandala perspectives points radiating rays rounded sharp style vibrant white multicoloured

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5 4 grade account_circle rocky surfaces2
3 0 grade account_circle rocky surfaces4
5 1 grade account_circle rocky surfaces3
12 0 grade account_circle orange lily
18 0 grade account_circle unshelled peanuts4
19 0 grade account_circle unshelled peanuts3
11 0 grade account_circle unshelled peanuts2
13 0 grade account_circle unshelled peanuts1
0 0 grade account_circle curled up concrete kitten
2 0 grade account_circle blue bird flight
6 0 grade account_circle blue alien starburst.
21 0 grade account_circle abstract squash background
23 0 grade account_circle plastic star wheel
12 0 grade account_circle plastic star wheel
40 1 grade account_circle blue chain mandala
27 1 grade account_circle blue star radiating
9 0 grade account_circle blue patterned doughnut
7 1 grade account_circle 3d Leafy Texture 1
8 0 grade account_circle cloud opening
0 0 grade account_circle fern light1
5 0 grade account_circle fern sunscreen1
3 0 grade account_circle fern sunscreen2
6 2 grade account_circle fern sunscreen3
23 0 grade account_circle turnip mandala flower
14 0 grade account_circle brown mandala mosaic
5 0 grade account_circle all lit up
8 0 grade account_circle pink & white daisy wheel
6 0 grade account_circle plenty of peanuts
35 1 grade account_circle multi-layered plastic mandala
12 0 grade account_circle spiralling lawn path2
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0 0 grade account_circle green shadow patterns2
4 0 grade account_circle green shadow patterns1
1 0 grade account_circle green shadow patterns3
2 0 grade account_circle paper strips mosaic1
18 1 grade account_circle Wild Spiral 4
0 0 grade account_circle not all that glitters5b
2 1 grade account_circle not all that glitters1
2 0 grade account_circle Philodendron light and shade
2 0 grade account_circle cloud trails1
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