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search result for copyspace (2967)

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17 0 grade account_circle Flame 7
49 0 grade account_circle Flame 6
19 0 grade account_circle Cottage 3
1213 42 grade account_circle Flying crow
222 3 grade account_circle old paper
139 3 grade account_circle old paper
19 1 grade account_circle cd scan
2 0 grade account_circle Reading light
5 0 grade account_circle Farm buildings
0 0 grade account_circle Drystone wall
13 0 grade account_circle Wind turbine
105 6 grade account_circle Christmas Message
168 7 grade account_circle paper clips 3
48 1 grade account_circle paper clips 2
38 2 grade account_circle Rural door 002
37 4 grade account_circle Paduana Gate 2
28 0 grade account_circle Paduana Gate 1
8 1 grade account_circle Down the plug
43 1 grade account_circle Down the plug
340 18 grade account_circle Recycled brown paper
5 0 grade account_circle Calton Hill, Edinburgh
87 5 grade account_circle Isolated Rock Sculpture
17 0 grade account_circle To the point
37 3 grade account_circle Golden ribbon frame
7 0 grade account_circle Island in a lake
3 0 grade account_circle Island in a lake
18 2 grade account_circle Hi!
8 1 grade account_circle Gull in flight, sunset light
5 0 grade account_circle Black-headed gull in flight
7 0 grade account_circle Black-headed gull in flight
4 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
6 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
4 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
5 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
22 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
10 0 grade account_circle Edge of a grass lawn
0 0 grade account_circle Dundee City over the Tay
1 0 grade account_circle Dundee City over the Tay
2 0 grade account_circle Dundee City over the Tay
24 1 grade account_circle Guess What?
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