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1 0 grade account_circle modern art contrasts1
5 0 grade account_circle modern art contrasts2
4 0 grade account_circle circles within circles2pp
29 4 grade account_circle Lacy Abstract 4
4 0 grade account_circle Pink and Green Background 1
2 1 grade account_circle embossed one way1
5 1 grade account_circle embossed copper sun mandala1
4 0 grade account_circle gold edged modern art colors1
8 0 grade account_circle coloured encircled glass cross
20 0 grade account_circle fabtex
26 0 grade account_circle fabtex
34 0 grade account_circle fabtex
63 1 grade account_circle Abstract flowers
73 1 grade account_circle Gothic Window Bronze
56 3 grade account_circle Gothic Window Gold
406 16 grade account_circle Paint
0 0 grade account_circle . . . Chestnut . . .
0 0 grade account_circle . . . Berries. . .
2 1 grade account_circle . . . Acorn . . .
0 1 grade account_circle . . . XMas tree 001 . . .
30 2 grade account_circle Grungy Border 5
38 2 grade account_circle Splat 2
23 1 grade account_circle Splat 3
23 1 grade account_circle Splat 4
10 1 grade account_circle Paint 9
16 0 grade account_circle striped grass fabric abstract1
1674 30 grade account_circle Blue Fantasy
845 11 grade account_circle Green Swoosh
88 2 grade account_circle Light Streaks
272 12 grade account_circle Colorful flowers
40 0 grade account_circle Wallpaper flowers
6 0 grade account_circle Splash 4
409 23 grade account_circle Roses Branch
272 8 grade account_circle Roses Branch
199 4 grade account_circle Roses Branch
172 6 grade account_circle Roses Branch
375 17 grade account_circle Roses Branch
9 0 grade account_circle Vertical Metal Background 2
446 15 grade account_circle Floral Frame
524 18 grade account_circle Floral Frame
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