architecture atmospheric bent bush bushes decorative figured garden gardening green grown landscape modeled natural nature park plants regular round scenery sculptured sculptured tree shaped tree ancient angel art christian church classic craft decoration figures figurine handcraft handicraft historic old organ ornament ornaments playing plays religion religious stucco wings balcony balcony gods female gods male man naked powerful woman adhesive tape band-aid care figure he healer health healthcare helper little little man mate medical device medicine medicine man plaster sticking plaster tape witchdoctor beseech Caesarea Maritima clothes design elements entreat floor fruit grapes Herod historical Israel mosaic pattern poetical Remains ruins stone toga youth basket burden carry load peasant walk Albert arch centrepiece dais England english gold Great Britain Kensington Gardens landmark London memorial monument ornamental pillar pomp sculpture statue tourist attraction Victorian animal animals bird claws eagle feather feathered feathers heroic magnificent majestic massive monumental pompous representation solid spread wing calm cloud colour consider danish Denmark dusk jutland lake light ponder purple red reflection silhouette sky sunrise sunset think twilight watch water yellow aboriginal anger angry carved cultural culture Easter ethnic face frown god icon idol indigenous island museum native nose Polynesian primitive rock rural serious solemn sombre South Pacific stern stoic totem traditional tribal volcanic bridesmaid card china dress dried elegance elegant feminine festive figurines flowers fragile gown invitation marriage pastel porcelaine romantic silk silky stationery wedding

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4 1 grade account_circle sculptured tree 3
4 0 grade account_circle angel plays an organ
4 0 grade account_circle balcony gods
75 2 grade account_circle Little Helper
4 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
2 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - centrepiece
9 0 grade account_circle stone eagle statue
38 0 grade account_circle Danish sunset
30 0 grade account_circle stone figure
3 0 grade account_circle porcelaine figurines
40 2 grade account_circle Holy Family
5 0 grade account_circle Nicolaus Copernicus
16 2 grade account_circle Dance 2
5 1 grade account_circle Dance 3
3 1 grade account_circle scare the crows2
0 0 grade account_circle ball runner fountain
2 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
363 7 grade account_circle Gender Icons
171 7 grade account_circle Gender Icons 2
30 1 grade account_circle Man
28 2 grade account_circle Abstract background with gradi
34 6 grade account_circle Faces
16 2 grade account_circle african nativity
10 1 grade account_circle Evidence
22 2 grade account_circle Heart Health
189 1 grade account_circle Paper Chain People
203 5 grade account_circle Paper Chain People 2
30 0 grade account_circle Two Men
2 0 grade account_circle Florence Cathedral
12 0 grade account_circle theatre arch decoration
0 0 grade account_circle Cathedral door lintel
7 0 grade account_circle Cathedral metal door
4 1 grade account_circle christmas dogs
21 2 grade account_circle Crime scene
2 0 grade account_circle Florence Cathedral
7 0 grade account_circle scare the crows
19 0 grade account_circle riding man statue
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - statues
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