ashes carve cemetery cutout dead death figure girl grave graveyard isolated mourn rest sad sadness sculpture sit statue stone tomb tombstone angel decoration feather holy kneel man wings woman brother elegant gentelman old pray priest priester religion saint ancient architecture bull Caesarea Maritima design elements floor fruit grapes Herod historical Israel mosaic ox pattern Remains ruins bird goose duck cathedral chapel christianity crest Estes figurehead hill mountain top orthadox orthadoxy park peak religions savior snow strength summit weathered antique carved Cherub eroded erosion face grief grieving hands head mourning sorrow statuette wing atmospheric bench bush bushes decorative figured flowerbed flowers garden gardening green grown landscape meadow natural nature plant plants scenery spring urn christian church clergy England english figures Great Britain landmark London people religious tourist attraction towers Westminster Abbey

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2 1 grade account_circle Grave statue
9 1 grade account_circle Stone angel
0 0 grade account_circle Priest sculpture
3 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
3 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
2 0 grade account_circle Mountain Church 3
11 3 grade account_circle Sad statue (B/W)
1 0 grade account_circle park scene
3 1 grade account_circle Grave statue
5 1 grade account_circle Westminster Abbey
4 0 grade account_circle Stone angel
2 0 grade account_circle dune-top shadow figures
4 0 grade account_circle Crops and hills
2 0 grade account_circle Statue
3 2 grade account_circle Grave statue
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
2 1 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
3 1 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
158 1 grade account_circle Golf player 5
41 0 grade account_circle Golf player 4
55 0 grade account_circle Golf player 3
136 0 grade account_circle Golf player 2
59 1 grade account_circle Golf player 1
0 0 grade account_circle Maori rooftop decoration
7 0 grade account_circle Tall building
119 6 grade account_circle the view
5 1 grade account_circle Wistful statue
2 0 grade account_circle Gargoyle and Saint
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
19 1 grade account_circle sculptured garden bushes
27 0 grade account_circle decorative garden architecture
26 1 grade account_circle decorative garden architecture
5 1 grade account_circle Winged female statue
3 2 grade account_circle Albert Memorial - centrepiece
8 2 grade account_circle sculptured tree
2 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
3 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
3 0 grade account_circle Ancient mosaic
2 1 grade account_circle sculptured tree 2
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