background bloom blooming blooms close-up color colorful colors colour colourful cultivar delicate flora floral flower flowers garden-flower garden-plant horticultural horticulture light macro nature perennial perfume perfumed petals plant plants rose soft wallpaper white bougainvillea bracts bright clambering vine climbers colored coloured colours cultivars evergreen flowering plants green ornamental plants paper flowers papery popular purple showy sprays spreading thin thorny vine vivid woody beauty blossom cutout dew drink drop floriculture fly inflorescence isolated orange path rain raindrops rains bell bells leaves lily lily-of-the-valley spring valley wildflower blossoms fuchsia garden hanging pink summer sunlight violet blue bouquet bunch daffodil Easter leaf Nyberg petal sky stalk stem yellow appearance bright-red brilliant display flowering-plant foliage frilly hibiscus Malvaceae ornamental red shrub variety

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5 0 grade account_circle white rose2
5 1 grade account_circle white rose1
5 0 grade account_circle white rose3
1 0 grade account_circle white rose4
19 1 grade account_circle bougainvillea purple
38 1 grade account_circle A flower with raindrops
46 7 grade account_circle lily-of-the-valley
2 1 grade account_circle fuchsia plant still life
14 1 grade account_circle Daffodils and blue sky
20 2 grade account_circle Daffodils with blue sky
3 0 grade account_circle frilly red hibiscus1
23 0 grade account_circle Sun in the Lilies
7 0 grade account_circle Male Agatka with the flower
14 0 grade account_circle Male Agatka with the flower
8 0 grade account_circle Peace
1 0 grade account_circle Peace
1 0 grade account_circle Peace
6 0 grade account_circle Peace
7 0 grade account_circle Peace
5 0 grade account_circle bush of peony plants 2
8 0 grade account_circle bush of peony plants 3
15 0 grade account_circle Meadow with blue Flowers and F
28 1 grade account_circle A flowerpot with pansies
18 0 grade account_circle Spring on the Plateaus 10
22 0 grade account_circle wooden house in the mountains
20 0 grade account_circle wooden house in the mountains
192 4 grade account_circle Flower
189 4 grade account_circle flowers
10 3 grade account_circle a nice place in the garden
3 0 grade account_circle flower decoration
21 1 grade account_circle lavender
13 0 grade account_circle lavender
8 0 grade account_circle hibiscus
5 0 grade account_circle hibiscus
4 0 grade account_circle hibiscus
22 3 grade account_circle spring
15 2 grade account_circle spring
27 0 grade account_circle bee
1 0 grade account_circle camelia
2 1 grade account_circle Flower pot
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