appearance beautiful bloom blossom coloring colors colouring colours delicate discard discarded drop dropped fallen flora flower flowers fragile fragrant frangipani lost love nature peace perfumed petals pink plants pleasant scented semi-tropical soft spiral spiralling texture trees tropical twirl twirling aquatic botanic botany closeup damp flourish flourished garden green lake leaf lilly lily lilypad lotus petal pond rose vegetation water waterlilly waterlily wet appreciation beauty blooms bright celebration centers centres chrysanthemums color colored colorful colour coloured colourful mother's-day mothers plant pot-plant remembering thankfulness yellow abstract background blooming cultivar dew droplets drops fiery color fiery colour fine floral garden flower garden plant horticultural horticulture light orange perennial red textures wallpaper Asian bonsai-plant cluster Flame-of-the-Woods flower-clusters folk-medicine garland globular-clusters golden hedge-plant Hindu-ceremonial-flower ixora Jungle-Flame Jungle-Geranium landscape-plant leaves medicinal needle-flower ornamental ornamental-plant popular prolific-bloomer rubiaceae tubular-4-petaled-flowers bonsai plant Flame of the Woods flower clusters folk medicine globular clusters hedge plant Hindu ceremonial flower Ixora coccinea Jungle Flame Jungle Geranium landscape plant needle flower ornamental plant prolific bloomer scarlet tubular 4-petaled flowers annual brown composite-flower contrast contrasting dark gold Helianthus inflorescence kernels large large-head pattern radiant seeds seedy spiralling-florets sunflower sunflowers sunlight sunny sunshine widespread aromatic Asteraceae calendula calendula-tea cooking culinary-use daisy-family decorative edible-flower fabric-dye floristry flowering-plant food-coloring healing herbaceous-plant herbs marigold pot-marigold saffron-replacement variety

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13 0 grade account_circle fallen blossom1
14 0 grade account_circle Water lily
8 1 grade account_circle Chrysanthemum pink1
29 2 grade account_circle dampened fire
6 0 grade account_circle golden flower cluster1
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