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120 2 grade account_circle relaxing
9 2 grade account_circle Hearts
321 4 grade account_circle jumping couple
51 2 grade account_circle 3 friends 2
11 0 grade account_circle Stone handshake
34 2 grade account_circle What's happened?
82 4 grade account_circle Valentine Card
229 9 grade account_circle Winter walk
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322 3 grade account_circle jumping couple 2
552 13 grade account_circle helping hands 4
107 5 grade account_circle Friends in Business
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79 1 grade account_circle People in love
165 6 grade account_circle Golden wedding rings
16 0 grade account_circle Camaraderie
461 39 grade account_circle Flower
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22 1 grade account_circle Drawing
42 2 grade account_circle Drawing
141 3 grade account_circle doing nothing
212 2 grade account_circle summer love
10 0 grade account_circle Stone handshake
15 1 grade account_circle Stone handshake
4 0 grade account_circle Heart frame
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781 14 grade account_circle all of us
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692 28 grade account_circle us
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