background circle dept distance drinks glass household inside lite round shape strange tunnel brick bricks brickwork frame glazed glazing house isolated light lintel white window blue glassware green household objects linear objects ornaments shadows sunlight vase vases balconies balcony block building concrete housing living sky triangles urban archtecture hall modern office pipe roof steel texture tile wallpaper anniversary celebrate drop dropping ice ice-cube Lightening toast water city contrast corner New old reflection reflections sandstone abstract abstraction art arty colour colours graphic red yellow appearance below blended bright color colored colorful coloured colourful dark decorative design detailed details fiery fire firelight glassy golden interconnected interlinked lighting orange patterned-glass patterns perspectives raised shaped shapes style tactile textured textures thick thin vibrant arm bal ball emerald eye guard guarding hand hands hold holding keeping pearl protect shining smaragd autumn brandy congnac fall leafs lifestyle Nyberg october season September setting

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11 0 grade account_circle tunnel
8 0 grade account_circle Window
8 0 grade account_circle vase
15 1 grade account_circle Balconies
14 1 grade account_circle Roof
70 2 grade account_circle ice cubes
5 0 grade account_circle Office reflections
1 1 grade account_circle Artwork 4
7 0 grade account_circle firelight from below1
11 0 grade account_circle Hand holding a ball of glass
4 0 grade account_circle Autumn Cognac
5 0 grade account_circle Autumn Cognac
113 3 grade account_circle Dinner table
91 4 grade account_circle honey jars
69 1 grade account_circle honey jars
134 2 grade account_circle modern frame
104 2 grade account_circle steel scape
149 4 grade account_circle steel scape
190 4 grade account_circle Wine bottle
81 3 grade account_circle New Year
22 2 grade account_circle New Year
29 0 grade account_circle Light bulb
66 4 grade account_circle Light bulb
68 1 grade account_circle Light bulb
14 0 grade account_circle Sky-scraper
14 1 grade account_circle Sky-scraper
8 0 grade account_circle Museum skylight
2 0 grade account_circle Old window
5 1 grade account_circle Old window
5 0 grade account_circle Office corner
1 0 grade account_circle Texas Skyscraper
7 0 grade account_circle window on approaching fire
1 0 grade account_circle Building reflections
7 1 grade account_circle electric sun
147 5 grade account_circle Empty Cafe
35 1 grade account_circle Pebbly Path
1 0 grade account_circle window on abstract garden clrs
30 1 grade account_circle Dish Dryer
54 3 grade account_circle reading time 4
34 2 grade account_circle reading time 3
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