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6 0 grade account_circle star flag circle
0 0 grade account_circle green texture folds
5 0 grade account_circle white string contours1
2 0 grade account_circle pink daisy garden field
32 1 grade account_circle Christmas red & green velvetee
10 0 grade account_circle red folds & frills textures
12 0 grade account_circle blue folds & frills textures
7 0 grade account_circle red and black diamond mat
4 0 grade account_circle four-cornered blue centre poin
6 0 grade account_circle Pattern with corners of the fr
9 0 grade account_circle Pattern with corners of the fr
10 1 grade account_circle Pattern with corners of the fr
10 0 grade account_circle Pattern with corners of the fr
8 0 grade account_circle Pattern with corners of the fr
85 1 grade account_circle A lot of negative film strips
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5 0 grade account_circle mosaic lines
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13 0 grade account_circle circle eruption
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25 1 grade account_circle Buddha
23 2 grade account_circle Ladybug
23 0 grade account_circle Fly
6 0 grade account_circle Stamps
3 0 grade account_circle golden seed mat
3 0 grade account_circle multicolour rubber rose
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