aggregates artwork background bits chips color colored colorful colors colour coloured colourful colours contrasting decoration decorative designed Designs detailed distinctive external interconnected interlinked irregular light lined lines mosaic outdoors outside patterns pavement paving rough segment Segmented segments shaped shapes small style surface surfaces textured textures texturing tiled tiles tiling abstract appearance artistic broken christian clean-up coloring colouring contrast cross design expression faith grouting shadow-lines shape symbol symbolic symbols texture wall-hanging Birdbath blue coloration decorated details garden glazed glazing patterned perspectives pieces plants surfacing chipped communicating communication cracked cracks enclosure indicator interlaced intertwined invitation inviting message open-farm sign water-birds words yellow aged ancient antique beige blank brown burn copyspace decay desktop detail Dirt dirty distressed empty grain grimy grunge isolated marks messy note ochre old olden overwhite page paper parchment pattern pirates rustic scorched sepia singed smudged stain used vintage worn wrinkle wrinkled write Australian bird birds Motifs multi-colored Multi-Coloured

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1 0 grade account_circle decorative mosaic paving1
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