Crambe maritima green nature odd plant sea kale summer beach brassicaceae coastline England english gravel Great Britain shingle shore stones stony kale kent natural sea wild breakers groynes water bank coastal Cruciferae Cuckmere Haven ecology habitat halophyte halophytic landscape plants Sussex cliff leaf leaves

search result for maritima crambe (10)

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3 1 grade account_circle Sea Kale
0 0 grade account_circle Sea kale
1 0 grade account_circle Sea kale
0 0 grade account_circle Shingle beach with sea kale
6 1 grade account_circle Sea kale
2 0 grade account_circle Sea kale landscape
1 0 grade account_circle Sea kale
1 0 grade account_circle Sea kale landscape
1 0 grade account_circle Sea kale
2 0 grade account_circle Sea kale
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