animal appearance Australian backward-pouch backyard bandicoot bristly brown bung coarse coarse-fur curious forager foraging hopping hops inquisitive isoodon-obesulus mammal Marsupial multi-oestrus native nocturnal omnivore patio peramelemorphia porch quadrupedal quenda short-nosed-bandicoot solitary southern-brown-bandicoot squat stocky suburban suburbs terrestrial territorial wild wild-animal wildlife Australia boomers bucks cultural culture does emblem emblematic eyes fast fauna features flyers fur greys head herbivores icon iconic Jacks jills jump jumping kangaroo macropod macropodidae mob national popular pouched powerful powerful-hind-legs protected protection relaxing roos secure secured speed strong symbol symbolic teeth upright

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1 0 grade account_circle backyard bandicoot12
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3 2 grade account_circle backyard bandicoot2
0 0 grade account_circle kangaroo mob3
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1 0 grade account_circle backyard bandicoot6
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