adriatic ancient architecture attraction balkan bay boat boka building citadel city coast coastline europe european famous fjord fort gulf harbor home house kotor kotorska landscape marine medieval mediterranean Montenegro mountain old outdoor port rock roof sea ship shore spring tourist tower town travel trip unesco vacation view village water yacht above Australia barren below brown cliffs country side distance distant dry expanse flat flying formations from above gullies harsh height high hills looking down mountainous movement moving Northern Australia outback panoramic views rocks rocky rugged rural scenery scenic shadows sightseeing sparse speed sunshine travelling undulating valleys vegetation window active boil chloride condensation crater danger dangerous dormant earth energy explosion fart fire fog foul fumarole fumes gas geologic geology geothermal ground heat hot hydrogen Italy minerals naples napoli nature Neaples odor power Pozzuoli smell smelly smoke steam stink stinking stone sulfur sulphur volcanic volcanism volcano accommodation angles apartment-blocks apartments box-like boxed connected connections distinctive elements exterior external foliage glass greenery hill hillside hilltop homes houses light linear lines modern modernistic mountains mountainside mountaintop multi-storey multi-story perspectives plain sloped slopes squared straight structure structured style trees units views walls windows

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2 0 grade account_circle Kotor Fjord
0 0 grade account_circle Kotor Fjord
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