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7 0 grade account_circle Lake view
18 0 grade account_circle South Downs 2
13 0 grade account_circle Pano Grand Canyon
6 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
6 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
6 2 grade account_circle Denver City Park
3 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 2 grade account_circle Denver City Park
6 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
3 1 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
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28 2 grade account_circle ricepaddy ajibarang (jawa)
28 1 grade account_circle ricepaddy ajibarang (jawa)
24 1 grade account_circle Pano Canadian Shield 2
5 0 grade account_circle Pano Canadian Shield 1
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