barn brick building construction. field ruins rural unfinished walls bloom cutout flower flowers isolated petal petals purple orange pink back green leaf maple side abstract background drop nature water block cars flats parked parking pavement street businessman loud megaphone screaming sound speech talking tuba voice angel carving figurine London monument pillars ship statue wings children fields kite landscape string stunt toy


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5 0 grade account_circle ruined construction in a field
136 3 grade account_circle A flower
74 1 grade account_circle A flower
130 2 grade account_circle A flower
27 1 grade account_circle the back side of a maple leaf
123 9 grade account_circle Just a drop
8 0 grade account_circle A street
94 5 grade account_circle Man with a megaphone
148 3 grade account_circle Man with a megaphone
0 0 grade account_circle Statue as a decoration
26 0 grade account_circle Flying a kite
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