bench blue cliff clifftop coastline Cornish cornwall England english Great Britain hard headland hillside inlet natural nature ocean relax rest rocks sea seat shore surf tide view water waves bank bridge calm cloud footbridge green peaceful placid plant quality reflection relaxing restful river riverside shade shadow sky summer sunlight Sussex tranquil tree umbellifer vegetation bay granite granitic rustic bored break business busy clock concept conceptual dream exhausted fatigue late layoff lunch lunchtime male nap office overworked pause people person plan pondering relentless resting siesta sleep slow-down speed strike studying suspend temporary think time time out timeout timing tired wait watch work worker animal big-cat black breeding brown Camouflage camouflaged carnivore color colored colorful colors colour coloured colourful colours conservation contrast critically-endangered felid hunter mammal panthera-tigris-sumatrae Perth-zoo reclining rehabilitation relaxed small smallest-tiger solitary striped sub-species Sumatran-tiger swimmer tiger white white-bearded wildlife zoo crafty cunning daydream doze ear fox fur head muzzle nose predator red rufous rusty vertebrate Vulpes vulpes wild bird Branta canadensis Canada goose flock fowl geese goose gray grey leisure pond Surrey trees Bengal-tiger-variant distinct distinctive movement moving pacing panthera-tigris protected protective prowling Singapore-zoo white-tigers

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5 2 grade account_circle Seat by the sea
9 0 grade account_circle Riverside vegetation
6 1 grade account_circle Riverside vegetation
5 1 grade account_circle Coastline with seat
50 4 grade account_circle Take a break...
8 0 grade account_circle relaxed tiger1
24 4 grade account_circle Sleeping fox
8 1 grade account_circle Pond with geese
9 3 grade account_circle white tigers1
7 3 grade account_circle white tigers6
4 2 grade account_circle white tigers7
4 2 grade account_circle white tigers2
3 2 grade account_circle white tigers4
7 4 grade account_circle white tigers3
3 0 grade account_circle tiger in recline1
7 0 grade account_circle tiger in recline2
16 2 grade account_circle Moth
5 1 grade account_circle Three boats
5 1 grade account_circle Rest-ore
41 1 grade account_circle tiger watch
8 0 grade account_circle relaxed but alert
9 1 grade account_circle relaxed but alert
20 3 grade account_circle relaxed but alert
7 0 grade account_circle bay
15 1 grade account_circle alert but relaxed
6 2 grade account_circle cat looks1
8 2 grade account_circle cat expressions14
16 0 grade account_circle Admiring the view
11 0 grade account_circle Tiger Resting
5 0 grade account_circle Tiger Resting
3 0 grade account_circle cat expressions
5 0 grade account_circle steadfast gaze
5 0 grade account_circle cat expressions
14 0 grade account_circle catty expressions
3 0 grade account_circle catty expressions
7 1 grade account_circle catty expressions
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