building classic decoration decorations fairytale plaster portraits sculpture statue story street vienna art carving cutout girl hair isolated long naked stone woman boat god palm sea ship statuette summer tropical white Zeus angel christianity death grave headstone lady Madonna mary religion saint architecture exterior female medieval old ornament arches artistic clouds horse lights metal horse music opera sky statues bronze chisel D. Duarte Duarte king man statuary Buckingham figurine fountain golden memorial monument palace pedestal pedestrianised queen Victoria

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10 0 grade account_circle deco
9 0 grade account_circle deco
10 0 grade account_circle deco
24 1 grade account_circle Woman
4 1 grade account_circle Zeus
22 0 grade account_circle Madonna
14 0 grade account_circle medieval sculpture
1 0 grade account_circle frankfurter opera
6 0 grade account_circle D. Duarte
7 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
2 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
0 0 grade account_circle Swan clock
3 0 grade account_circle Swan clock
7 0 grade account_circle Victoria Memorial
4 0 grade account_circle Angel of Vilnius
6 0 grade account_circle Central Edinburgh skyline
4 0 grade account_circle Central Edinburgh skyline
10 0 grade account_circle Park in Copenhagen
13 0 grade account_circle Columbus Colon Barcelona
5 1 grade account_circle Great Sphinx of Giza
22 0 grade account_circle Great Sphinx of Giza
12 0 grade account_circle Great Sphinx of Giza
13 1 grade account_circle an angel in city
73 3 grade account_circle buddha statue
2 0 grade account_circle water, Jardim botânico Rio de
89 4 grade account_circle Statue of Liberty
31 0 grade account_circle Statue of Liberty
32 0 grade account_circle Statue of Liberty
3 0 grade account_circle John Knox statue
3 0 grade account_circle John Knox statue
3 0 grade account_circle John Knox statue
3 0 grade account_circle Faith
29 3 grade account_circle sphinx
15 0 grade account_circle Greek Warrior
23 0 grade account_circle Bronze texture
14 3 grade account_circle buddha 5
10 1 grade account_circle buddha 4
12 0 grade account_circle buddha 3
2 0 grade account_circle buddha 1
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