blue cold fence freezing frozen layby mountain moutains park parking road scotland sign sky snow snowy stop transport white winter against ban banned bicycle bicycles bike circle drive illegal mandatory pictogram prohibit red ride roadsign warn warning wheels canada confused confusing direction directions lost ontario same stouffville street streets two way which wrong cease cigarette cigarettes danger death die disease forbidden kill kills lung lungs nicotine no smoking quit risk smoke smoking stop tobacco aged alert ancient antique backdrop background brown caution damaged decoration decorative free grime grimy grunge grungy icon image isolated message octagon old page paper parchment pictograph picture resource sepia sheet signage somadjinn square stock stopping symbol symbolic texture textured traffic vintage worn yellow cigar health smokers tobacco cease smoking quit smoking no smoke advice announcement appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour be-careful beware black care careful communicating communication concern crossing dangerous information informing lookout observant pedestrians risks risky road-sign safety signs speed-reduction street-sign traffic-flow walk walkers walking warning-sign watch watch-out along Australia bare below conditions construction development empty empty of traffic highway highways lamp-posts landscape left-hand driving lined lines looking down main road no motor cars no motor vehicles no vehicles road rules roadwork roadworks stopped suburban suburbs traffic flow traffic lanes wide wide road

search result for stop signs (115)

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8 0 grade account_circle Lay by
25 0 grade account_circle No bicycles
15 2 grade account_circle Which Way??? 2
45 0 grade account_circle No smoking
30 2 grade account_circle Stop Sign Grunge
64 0 grade account_circle No smoking
37 0 grade account_circle No smoking sign
16 0 grade account_circle No smoking
33 0 grade account_circle No smoking
10 2 grade account_circle pedestrian crossing indicator1
32 2 grade account_circle empty highway
18 0 grade account_circle empty highway
54 1 grade account_circle empty highway
18 0 grade account_circle empty highway
13 0 grade account_circle empty highway
14 0 grade account_circle empty highway
5 0 grade account_circle tall ships flag2
11 0 grade account_circle tall ships flag1
5 0 grade account_circle tall ships flag3
4 0 grade account_circle stay back & be prepared1
2 0 grade account_circle don't let him cross
21 0 grade account_circle serious warning
13 0 grade account_circle serious warning & barred
10 0 grade account_circle stop
27 2 grade account_circle Crosswalk Sign
38 4 grade account_circle Light 3
20 0 grade account_circle Cone
64 0 grade account_circle Cone
38 1 grade account_circle traffic cone
12 0 grade account_circle Traffic Sign 24
11 1 grade account_circle Stop!!!
8 2 grade account_circle > Stop sign
2 0 grade account_circle Electric pylon
58 2 grade account_circle Thank You Sign
1 0 grade account_circle No entry?
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