3-D alert appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour area attention banned cigarettes communicating communication danger direction directive distinctive environment eye-catching glassy health health-risk lettering location no-smoking not-allowed not-permitted permission-denied plastic pollution prohibited prohibition raised semi-transparent sign style surface surfaced surfaces surfacing symbol tactile texture textured textures thick thin unhealthy warning wording words abstract brown image net netted netting orange shape shaped spreading stain stained weave woven angles appearance Australia-wide bristle Bristles broom misshapen rough unusual used variations various worn aggregate pattern concrete concrete pattern concrete surface exposed aggregate gravel gravel exposed mpoukamvília patter red flower surface with patterns ancient color colored colour coloured debris display displayed fireball fired hard heavy holes iron large meteorite meteorites Mundrabilla-meteorite-shower museum patterned patterns pitted public smooth solid space Western-Australia artistic artwork background centerpiece circle circles circular colors colours contrast contrasting design Designs distinct feature floor floor-covering floor-feature flooring light lighting polish polished shapes cover covered covering curved curves grain grained lined lines mustard muted panel paneling panelling pattern soft striped stripes uneven wall wallpaper squared squares

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2 0 grade account_circle no smoking in 3-D 2
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