angry apocalypse apocalyptic beams beautiful black breaking through bright cloud clouds color colour concepts contrast creation danger dark darkening disturbing dramatic foreboding frightening glory golden light lighting moody natural nature radiant radiating rays shining signs skies sky spreading storm storm front stormy sun sunlight threatening thunder thunderhead wild aquatic Australia Australian beak bill bird black-necked-stork bluish-black-iridescent carnivore colored coloring colors coloured colouring colours contrasting ephippiorhynchus-asiaticus feathers glossy head iridescence Jabiru large-birds long-legged long-necked near-threatened plumage slender stork waders wading-bird water-bird wetlands african broad-mouthed collagen creases endangered flat-mouthed folds gray grazer grey heavy herbivore herbivorous hide horns keratin large lattice structured mammal megafauna odd-toed ungulate perissodactyl placid powerful rhino rhinoceros skin snout southern white rhinoceros square-lipped rhinoceros strong thick threatened tough white rhinoceros wide-lipped rhinoceros

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19 0 grade account_circle dark clouds
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3 1 grade account_circle black-necked stork4
6 0 grade account_circle tough as a rhino2
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