depressed depression downcast girl lonely preoccupied sad triste tristeza woman animal animals brown c?o dog pet pup puppy white alone bare beeches black creepy defoliated dull eerie eerily eldrich elritch ghostly grey sinister spooky trees trist uncannily winter ahead blue brook bum creek even forward fosse grass horizon monochrome ochre onward plain river sky water adult Asia Asian attentively business businessman calculating career classy concentrated concentrating corporate desk document executive focused lamp letter love men note noting occupation office paperwork pen person poetic professional raindrops reflection sadness serious shadow shilouette sitting thoughtful train view window work working workplace writing adolescence amusement attraction carneval carousel child childhood children circle craftsmanship deserted done empty end entertainment fair finale Finished fun horse kid kids leisure luna luna-park magical memory merry merry-go-round mystical nostalgic park play pony pulldown removed ride romance round young

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60 1 grade account_circle Troubled Linda
68 1 grade account_circle sad dog
25 0 grade account_circle trees
8 0 grade account_circle straight on
9 2 grade account_circle As tears go by...
13 1 grade account_circle End of a romance-
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