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16 0 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors II
4 0 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors II
11 0 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors II
18 0 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors II
29 0 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors
19 1 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors
16 1 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors
11 1 grade account_circle Neo-classical doors
5 0 grade account_circle Azalea Wall
13 1 grade account_circle Garden brick steps
13 1 grade account_circle Southern Porch
35 4 grade account_circle Cathedral Organ
2 0 grade account_circle high desert
28 4 grade account_circle Golden Fields
4 0 grade account_circle Looking Up
2 0 grade account_circle Guide them home
25 0 grade account_circle Lake Yellowstone, Yellowstone
8 0 grade account_circle Dead Stare
43 3 grade account_circle Berry Wares
63 2 grade account_circle Pumpkin Patch
10 0 grade account_circle Pumpkin Patch
3 0 grade account_circle Retreat Center with Trees
10 0 grade account_circle Boats in the Sound 2
10 0 grade account_circle Tree
75 4 grade account_circle Napa Valley Vineyards
10 0 grade account_circle HIBISCUS schizopetalus
3 0 grade account_circle Barite crystals
17 1 grade account_circle Spring creek
37 2 grade account_circle old auto
37 3 grade account_circle Old truck
4 0 grade account_circle Little friend
6 0 grade account_circle Deers
6 0 grade account_circle Old mine ruin
15 0 grade account_circle High!
50 3 grade account_circle The Drifter
1 0 grade account_circle Wires
6 0 grade account_circle mountain minutae
4 0 grade account_circle Work horses
3 1 grade account_circle old pier
4 1 grade account_circle Old Bolt
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