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1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
2 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
3 1 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
0 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
4 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
9 0 grade account_circle Denver City Park
1 0 grade account_circle New York - Manhattan
2 0 grade account_circle New York - Manhattan
8 1 grade account_circle Statue of Liberty
14 0 grade account_circle Arches National Park
4 0 grade account_circle Ladscape near Tuscon
10 0 grade account_circle North & South windows
3 0 grade account_circle both silver paddles micro
39 4 grade account_circle Mesa in Monument Valley
14 1 grade account_circle Isa Lake in winter
20 1 grade account_circle Snow on Mt Shasta
7 0 grade account_circle Joshua Tree National park
16 2 grade account_circle Winter river in Yellowstone Pa
30 0 grade account_circle Route 66 sign
17 0 grade account_circle National Park in west states U
2 0 grade account_circle Tortoise
7 0 grade account_circle SF_N
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95 3 grade account_circle Sheriff
0 0 grade account_circle Picnic area
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