background barbs blades bright color colored colors colour coloured colours evergreen fleshy foliage garden garden-plant green greenery hardy hooked hooks leaves light lines plant resilient shade shadows sharp spreading striped stripes sunlight sunshine texture textures variation variety vegetation veined veins abstract appearance broad leaves colorful colourful decorative display garden color garden colour garden display garden plants leaf plants strong thick tough tropical tropical gardens tropical plants wallpaper autumn brown contrast contrasting cover dead dead leaves dry fall growth leaf carpet leafy ground live living mottled pattern patterned shapes Sizes spring stems vine white border decoration frame grain image oldschool vein vintage wood berlin branch crisp forest forests glare gleam glow glowing golden leafs maple multicolored multicoloured nature october perspective shine shiny sky translucent tree trees yellow angles beans broad fine growing large patterns ribbed ribbing ribs ridges shape shaped textured vegetables

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5 0 grade account_circle barbed & green4
6 1 grade account_circle barbed & green2
6 0 grade account_circle barbed & green1
27 0 grade account_circle foliage colour5
15 0 grade account_circle foliage colour3
30 2 grade account_circle foliage colour2
7 0 grade account_circle new growth
65 2 grade account_circle Wodden frame for image 2
17 0 grade account_circle colours of autumn
5 0 grade account_circle leafy garden growth
41 1 grade account_circle Wooden frame for oval images
26 1 grade account_circle Green veins 2
11 0 grade account_circle dusty green veins
27 0 grade account_circle dusty green veins
7 0 grade account_circle Leaf
28 3 grade account_circle Leaves - skeleton
34 0 grade account_circle autumn leaves
4 0 grade account_circle Isolated leaf
2 1 grade account_circle Isolated leaf
4 1 grade account_circle Leaves texture
3 1 grade account_circle Leaves texture
9 1 grade account_circle raindrops on bush shrubbery
33 1 grade account_circle Marble texture
22 0 grade account_circle Green Leaves 2
92 2 grade account_circle Green Leaves 1
31 0 grade account_circle river rocks2
32 0 grade account_circle river rocks1
0 0 grade account_circle green texture folds
6 2 grade account_circle rosedrops2
2 1 grade account_circle rosedrops4
2 2 grade account_circle rosedrops9
1 1 grade account_circle rosedrops5
2 1 grade account_circle rosedrops3
1 1 grade account_circle rosedrops6
4 1 grade account_circle rosedrops1
15 0 grade account_circle purple petalled beauty2
4 0 grade account_circle fragile & furry lacewing2
4 0 grade account_circle fragile & furry lacewing1
11 0 grade account_circle Leaf Texture
44 0 grade account_circle stoney colours
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