appearance background bricks color colorful colors colour colourful colours curled curling curls damage damaged delicate edge edged edges fading-beauty fallen-apart flora flower fragrance fragrant garden pavement paving paving-bricks perfume perfumed petals pink raindrops red rose scattered soft surface surfaces texture textures veined veins wet wind-blown windblown winter winter-damage yellow bokeh forest fresh fresh leaves green Kanangi Karkala karnataka leaf purple spring tender vein Western Ghats beta vulgaris chard golden leaves nature organic plants stems swiss vegetable board floorboard grain grained grains horizontal knothole knotholes planks shiny struchture structures wood diagonal old used worn foliage light natural peace plant quiet shade shadow sunlight tranquil abstract backdrop blended cabbage coloring colouring creases cut decoration decorative design detailed folds half halved head image images inside interconnected intermeshed interwoven lines moist patterns raw red cabbage round rounded shapes skin smooth style unusual vibrancy vibrant wallpaper

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3 1 grade account_circle petal color contrast5
2 1 grade account_circle petal color contrast2
1 0 grade account_circle petal color contrast1
4 0 grade account_circle petal color contrast4
5 0 grade account_circle Fresh leaves
3 0 grade account_circle Swiss chard
3 0 grade account_circle Swiss chard
53 0 grade account_circle wood planks texture
19 0 grade account_circle diagonal old wood
2 0 grade account_circle Foliage and petals
7 0 grade account_circle red cabbage
24 0 grade account_circle red cabbage
17 1 grade account_circle red cabbage
33 0 grade account_circle Fresh Leaves
5 1 grade account_circle Dried Leaf
4 0 grade account_circle Purple flower
4 0 grade account_circle Purple flower
6 1 grade account_circle Leaf texture
24 2 grade account_circle Autumn Texture
77 1 grade account_circle Wooden texture 5
195 3 grade account_circle Wooden texture 4
64 2 grade account_circle Wooden texture 3
70 0 grade account_circle Wooden texture 2
64 1 grade account_circle Wooden texture 1
145 2 grade account_circle Green leaf closeup
7 0 grade account_circle green leaf shadow
7 0 grade account_circle Leaf 2
2 1 grade account_circle autumn rust
5 0 grade account_circle Holly background
105 7 grade account_circle Blue butterfly
4 0 grade account_circle Holly blue butterfly
11 2 grade account_circle Backlit autumn leaves
62 5 grade account_circle Autumn Leaf Macro
13 0 grade account_circle streaky throat
2 0 grade account_circle insect helicopter
7 0 grade account_circle hairy legged lace
5 0 grade account_circle hairy legged lace
6 1 grade account_circle Autumn leaf background
2 0 grade account_circle garden blossom pink2
2 0 grade account_circle holy dragonfly
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