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Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain
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Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain
Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain

September 17, 2010 krayker

touchdown!!! nice work!

January 20, 2010 decar66

Xymonau, this seal did as I told her... please don't move, this shot will be for rgbstock... and she didn't move!!! No kidding.... hahahaha

January 20, 2010 decar66

Thanks Abyla, my pleassure to have you with us.

January 20, 2010 Abyla

This site it's now a reality and I feel myself like at home. Thank you Salva,we're alive like your seal.

January 20, 2010 xymonau

Absolutely magnificent in the large version! Such excellent clarity and detail. And SO cute!

decar66 profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2592px * 1944px
Published: December - 14 - 2009
Camera: Canon
Date: 2009:04:13 13:45:05
Exposure: 1/250
Focal length: 21461/1000
ISO: 125
Permalink 2dCF9qqx
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Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain Seal: Oceanografic de Valencia, Spain 300px // 600px // 100px