Smokestacks 3

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Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress ..
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Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress ..
Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress ..

January 28, 2010 xymonau

Well, they're remarkable stock images - clear and crisp - so it was worth it for art! :)

dlritter profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2000px * 3008px
Published: January - 04 - 2010
Camera: Konica minolta
Date: 2006:11:23 14:27:56
Exposure: 1/500
Focal length: 700/10
ISO: 100
Permalink 2dP4bEnx
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Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress .. Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress .. Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress .. Smokestacks 3: Smokestacks at an oil refinery. I hope people find these photos useful. I endured an altercation with several overzealous security guards and a local sheriff while shooting these photos.Here is the story...http://www.eastbayexpress .. 300px // 600px // 100px