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Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared.  he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away.  I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.
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This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared. he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away. I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.
Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared.  he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away.  I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.

May 2, 2013 obpo

Great Photo! Thank you!

Photonut profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3456px * 2304px
Published: January - 07 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2006:09:25 18:54:53
Exposure: 1/30
Focal length: 300/1
ISO: 200
Permalink 2dQN1P2x
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Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared.  he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away.  I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.  Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared.  he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away.  I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.  Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared.  he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away.  I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there.  Rabbit: This rabbit was right at my feet and not scared. he was out in the wild and you would think he would run away. I was able to get like 25 pictures of him before he noticed I was there. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/p/ph/photonut/600/2dQN1P2.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/p/ph/photonut/600/2dQN1P2.jpg 100px