Leeds Castle, UK 2

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Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years.
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Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years.
Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years.
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Dimensions: 3836px * 2497px
Published: January - 08 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2009:04:01 12:54:47
Exposure: 1/800
Focal length: 54/1
ISO: 100
Permalink 2dR8V6Hx
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Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years. Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years. Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years. Leeds Castle, UK 2: Leeds Castle, set on two islands on the River Len in the heart of Kent, UK, has been home to royalty, lords and ladies for more than 900 years. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/sa/satellitesw/600/2dR8V6H.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/sa/satellitesw/600/2dR8V6H.jpg 100px