Frida y Diego 1

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Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night
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Mexico City had it's 4th night "Spring Festival"; It's great because that night (march the 19th for this year) you could find all the museums open all night long and musicians, bands, theatre, and special events in each square of the center of the city.
Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night
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Published: January - 08 - 2010
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Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night Frida y Diego 1: Mexico City had it's 4th night "Spring Festival"; It's great because that night (march the 19th for this year) you could find all the museums open all night long and musicians, bands, theatre, and special events in each square of the center of the city. 300px // 600px // 100px