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Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico.  This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but
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One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico. This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but
Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico.  This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but
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Dimensions: 969px * 1332px
Published: January - 08 - 2010
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Permalink 2dRhfW5x
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Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico.  This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico.  This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico.  This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but Tepotzotlan: One of the most important masterpieces of colonial baroque in Latinamerica is the altar of San Francisco Javier, at Tepotzotlan Mexico. This is a shot of the wood altar all covered with laminated gold. I wish the image coud be more clearly detailed, but 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/p/ph/photos71/600/2dRhfW5.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/p/ph/photos71/600/2dRhfW5.jpg 100px