Warsaw in Summer 4

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Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it.
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Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it.
Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it.

January 21, 2010 mzacha

Nice capture. I think almost all Old Town in Warsaw was rebuilt after the war...

Columbine profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1920px * 2560px
Published: January - 08 - 2010
Camera: Olympus
Date: 2007:07:23 04:16:42
Exposure: 1/700
Focal length: 620/100
ISO: 64
Permalink 2dRpPPex
landmarks classic europe
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Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it. Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it. Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it. Warsaw in Summer 4: Some shots of Warsaw, Poland. Taken during the summer of 2007. This is of the historic Royal Castle- rebuilt after WWII though you'd never know it. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/2dRpPPe.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/2dRpPPe.jpg 100px